Exploring Martial Arts Principles

Because Your Mind is Your Sharpest Weapon

You spend countless hours in the Dojo training to master technique. Do yourself a favor and invest some time to understand deeper principles that integrate technical, tactical, and strategic concepts into a wider understanding of your martial art.

Take Your Martial Journey Well Beyond Just Punching and Kicking.

There are many resources (books, videos, etc.) describing the technical details of fighting. Few resources move beyond technical and rudimentary tactical applications. And yet, we all know that martial arts offers us a path to forge a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. For the few venturing to push deeper, each step brings new landscapes and horizons to study, and offers realizations that not only makes your technique stronger, but challenges the way you look at Martial Arts.

There are Martial Arts principles that when understood bring together many seemingly disjunct technical details, and when applied to your technique can't help but make them stronger.

Budotheory.ca explores martial arts principles at the heart of many martial arts.

If one only does sword technique, it is not possible to know the true path of strategy (Heiho).
Miyamoto Musashi

Are You a Truth Seeker (Kyudosha)?

Kyudosha kanji At some point in your martial arts journey, you look deeper—seeking underlying meaning to your technique—searching for a higher order of meaning that makes your technique stronger, and helps you become a better person.

There are underlying martial principles that transcend boundaries of style and technique. The trouble is that they are hard to find, and when you do find them, they have been sitting in front of your nose all along. The key is understanding the underlying architecture of the concepts.

Pierce the Outside (Omote)

Discover the many rich paths Inside (Ura) the awesome world of Budo that unfortunately many never wander into.

There are whole worlds of facts

waiting to be discovered by inference.

Woodrow Wilson

Goals of Budotheory.ca

  • Provide the best resources for fundamental and hard to find martial arts principles and concepts.
  • Demystify and clearly explain concepts to give you new perspectives to your martial art, and to enhance the enjoyment of your training experience.
  • Provide a forum to discuss research and concepts with other like-minded individuals in a friendly and informative manner.
  • To recommend only those resources considered high quality.

Explore and Enjoy.